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What is S-MM2H

S-MM2H is a program initiated by Sarawak Government which is moving along with the MM2H program initiated by the Federal Government of Malaysia, with its own terms & conditions to be complied, and it is responsible by the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Sarawak. S-MM2H enables eligible foreigners to obtain long-term multiple entry Visa for staying in Sarawak.

Why S-MM2H

Terms & conditions for S-MM2H application are tremendously more relaxed than Federal MM2H. S-MM2H pass holder must stay in Sarawak while free to travel to anywhere in Malaysia with the maximum length of stay per trip shall subject to the prevailing rules of the Immigration Department of Malaysia. Stay like a local Sarawakian as Non-Sarawakian in Malaysia is only allowed to stay in Sarawak for a maximum of 90 days per trip.

Who can apply?

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If applicant having children (below 21 years old) who are pursuing further education in Sarawak. (For those who already have a student pass only).

Applicant must own a residential house in Sarawak for residential purpose: 

If applicant is undergoing long term medical treatment in Sarawak.
(His/her condition need to be verified by Private/Government Physicians who are registered with Malaysian Medical Council).


No prerequisite criteria.
No age limit for spouse
(if any).

30-49 years old

> 50 years old

Min. RM600,000.00/unit onwards.

How to apply?

All Applicants must show proof of financial capability by:

Mandatory opening of Fixed Deposit Account with any local bank in Sarawak:

Individual: RM150,000.00
Couple: RM300,000.00


Proof of monthly offshore income funds.

30-49 years old

50 years old & above

Individual: RM7,000.00

Couple: RM10,000.00

Proof of Government approved pension funds

Individual: RM7,000.00

Couple: RM10,000.00

S-MM2H licensed agent that is registered in Sarawak.

Incentives & Benefits

Long-term Multiple Entry Visa

Student pass for children

Domestic helper application

Partial withdrawal of
Fixed Deposit

​Bringing along spouse,
children & parents

Property purchasing is
exempted from Foreign
Investment Committee’s Approval

Terms & Conditions

Minimum balance
requirement for
Fixed Deposit

At least a minimum
of 30 days stay in

Extension application is
required for the second 5-year period of the 10-year Visa

Mandatory purchases
of Medical Insurance

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